
Thanks so much for visiting Fit to be Tied Bridal's blog! Here we will be sharing custom designs, new designs, chats with other designers, and anything else we fancy. We hope you enjoy your stay!

About Me

Hello there!

I wanted to give you a little more information about me than the little "about me" blurb gives you space for.  So here's more information than you probably ever wanted to know.

About me:
My name is Amanda Taft, I'm recently married and in my twenties. I absolutely love my husband, he puts up with how crazy I am, and has gone through a lot with me over the past two years of starting this business. We met in college, and for me it was love at first sight (he still doesn't believe me...). Four months later we were dating, and another four after that, we moved half way across the country together, from D.C. to Texas. It was a very interesting experience. We learned a lot in our first year away from home. Like, did you know that you cannot sleep on an air mattress every night for six months? It will pop. And then you'll finally have to buy a bed.

I've always been a creative person. I've always loved to draw and paint, and create things. I used to make clothes for my American Girl Doll out of my old shirts and sweaters. My mom made a lot of my clothes when I was younger, and my father is into photography and music, so I think creativity was engrained in me. I never stood a chance. Like a big nerd, I went to an Art Camp in High School, and I took Advanced Placement art classes. It was awesome. I went to art school and studied Graphic Design (hmm, sitting at a desk all day creating other people's art, no thanks), then quickly realized that was not for me, and switched to Fashion (I can study clothing? like fashion? and window displays and runway shows? yes, please). So all of that has led me to where I am today.

About Fit to be Tied Bridal:
Fit to be Tied really started like so many other stories, I wanted to make something for myself, and then decided it was something I could actually do for other people. I didn't always plan on running my own business, but I always knew that I wanted to do something creative. I have to. I'm not happy unless I'm able to be creative. So, it's an outlet, but it's also something that I just love to do. I love to sew and create things. It's so amazing to take some material and just make something out of it. The fact that I'm able to do this and make something special for someone, especially on one of my most memorable days of their lives, is an amazing opportunity. And I'm so thankful for everyone whose supported me! I started with a single sash, then went to 8 in my first collection, and now to 20 in my second collection, and I don't see it slowing down any time soon! I already have tons of things in the works for this year, and I can't wait to share them with everyone!