
Thanks so much for visiting Fit to be Tied Bridal's blog! Here we will be sharing custom designs, new designs, chats with other designers, and anything else we fancy. We hope you enjoy your stay!

It's been awhile....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello lovelies!

So, it's been awhile. Over a month. Shame on me. I sincerely apologize for my lack of communication. It's been such a crazy year (lots of weddings, lots of orders, my own wedding, switching jobs, being unemployed, new job, travel, more orders!), that I really took some time out over the holidays to just relax, and enjoy being able to stay home and hang out with my husband. We both had the week of Christmas off, which hasn't happened before, so we spent the time cooking (we made a pumpkin pie and chocolate souffles from scratch! yum!), and watching a ton of movies. It was nice. I also did a lot of sewing. A lot. I swear.

So I'd like to take this time to wish you all a happy new year! I know I'm seven days late, however, I think I can still say it. A lot has been going on (see above), and there's a lot more to come this year! I have tons of posts coming up for you, so I thought I'd just take a minute to (apologize, sorry), and give you a preview of what's coming up!

Exciting things to come:
1. I'll be posting pics (hopefully at the end of this month) from my first international order! I'm so super excited for this one! The bride ordered a custom sash and hasn't seen it, and won't for about another two weeks. I'm so nervous, but I really think she'll love it! Can't wait to show you guys!

2. I've been working on making some of the new sashes in ivory. I used a lot of color in the Spring 2012 line (and I love color!), but I know that a lot of brides want something a little more classic, and there's nothing wrong with that. So I've been making a few of them in ivory to post on here, and on our etsy page, to show all of you lovely ladies what they look like if you order them in ivory instead of in black, or champagne, etc.

3. We will be making a guest appearance at a Bridal Show in Lake Jackson next weekend! More on that later! This is our first bridal show appearance, so we're very excited, and very flattered that we were asked to come. What should we wear??

4. We will shortly be available in a new store!! Yay! We're so beyond excited to be in a second store! It is called Something Blue, and is located in Angleton, TX. Yay!

We will have posts and more updates on all of these events (and so much more!) to come very shortly. We're going to try to get back to a regular schedule of actually posting on here. Imagine that! :)

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